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Upper Embeddability of 3-Edge-Connected Simple Graphs with Independence-Number≤5(PDF)


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Upper Embeddability of 3-Edge-Connected Simple Graphs with Independence-Number≤5
Gao Yanbo~1Ren Han~2
( 1. School of Science, N antong U nivers ity, N antong 226007, Ch ina)
( 2. Departm en t ofMathem atics, East Ch ina Norm alUn ivers ity, Shangh ai200062, Ch ina)
graph m axim um genus b ett i deficien cy upper em beddab le independen ce-number
Com b ined w ith th e edge-connect ivity, th is paper investigates the relationsh ip b etw een the independence- numb er and the upper-emb eddab ility of a 3-edge-conn ected sim p le graph and obtain s the follow ing resu lt: LetG be a 3- edge-connected sim p le graph w ith α(G )≤ 5 (w here α(G ) is the indep endence-numb er ofG ) , th enG is upper embed- dab le, and two m in im al examp les are given in th e sen se that th ere are 3-edge-connected graphsw h ich are n ot upper em- beddab le.


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Last Update: 2013-05-05