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Nonexistence and Existence of Positive Solutions of Semilinear Elliptic Systems(PDF)


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Nonexistence and Existence of Positive Solutions of Semilinear Elliptic Systems
Zhu Liping~1Zhang Zhengce~2
1.College of Science,Xi’an University of Architecture and Technology,Xi’an 710054,China
ex istence nonex istence m ethod of m ov ing sphe res
In th is paper, we introduce the Ke lv in transform s and apply the me thod of m ov ing spheres w hich is the sign ificant s imp lifica tions of mov ing plane m ethod to prove the ex istence and nonex istence of positive so lutions for a c lass of sem ilinear e lliptic systems. Them ethod of mov ing spheres doesn t’ not need the m ax im um princ ip le for elliptic sy stem s and ob tains the ex act fo rm of positive so lutions for the critical case wh ich ex tends the resu lts proved by the integ ra lm ethod. M oreover, thism ethod  is also used to prove the Liouv ille theorems for the general non linear e lliptic equations or systems.


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Last Update: 2013-05-05