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Convergence of Extrapolated Method for Solving Non-Hermitian Linear Systems(PDF)


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Convergence of Extrapolated Method for Solving Non-Hermitian Linear Systems
Wang Li1Sun Mingjun2Song Yongzhong1
1.School of Mathematics and Computer Science,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210097,China
2. C ollege of Zhongbe,i Nan jing Norma lU n ivers ity, Nan jing 210046, Ch ina
linear system s iterative m ethod extrapo lated m ethod conve rgence
To exp lo re the iterative a lgor ithm, ex trap loa ted m ethod for so lv ing non-H erm itian linea r systems is considered, and its convergence is discussed. The conv ergence results for tw o classes o f ex trapo lated algor ithm is obta ined, w hich show that in the g iven areas o f the param eters the m ethods are converg ent. The num er ica l resu lts also illustrate the convergent theory.


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Last Update: 2013-05-05