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Adaptive Conic Trust-Region Method for Nonlinear Least Squares Problems(PDF)


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Adaptive Conic Trust-Region Method for Nonlinear Least Squares Problems
Yang Yang1Sun Wenyu2
1.School of Mathematics and Physics Science,Xuzhou Institute of Technology,Xuzhou 221008,China
2. School ofMathem atics and Com puter S cien ce, Nan jing Norm alUn iversity, Nan jing 210097, Ch ina
non l inear least squares p rob lem s trus t reg ion m ethod con icm odel global convergen ce superlinear convergence
In th is p aper, a n ew m ethod for non l inear least-squares p rob lem s is presented. Th e m ethod uses the quas-i N ew ton update of the Gau ss-New tonH ess ian based on a con icm ode.l A m ethod w ith adapt ive tru st region strategy is cons tructed. Th em eth od n eed s to solve th e tru st reg ion subprob lem w ith a con ic m ode,l wh ich can be tran sform ed to the trust region subproblem w ith a quad ratic mode.l So the algorithm is easily imp lem en ted. The new algorithm is an alyzed and its glob al and local sup erlin ear convergence resu lts is estab lished. Num erical tes ts are presen ted that con firm the eff-i ciency of the new algorithm.


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Last Update: 2013-05-05