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C1,α Convergence of a Radial Minimizer of p-Energy Functional(PDF)


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C1,α Convergence of a Radial Minimizer of p-Energy Functional
Liu Hongyan12Lei Yutian1
1.Institute of Mathematics,School of Mathematics and Computer Science,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210097,China
2. Departm en t ofM athem atics, Yanch eng TeachersC ollege, Y ancheng 224002, Ch ina
rad ia lm in im izer p-energy functional converg ence rate
The asympto tic behavior o f the radia lm in im izer of a p- energy func tiona l w ith non-S1 D irich le t boundary da ta is d iscussed. A t first, by apply ing the loca l analysis, the au thors deduce the regu lar est-i m ate o f the energy functional. Then, the zeros of the radia lm inim izer are located near the o rig in and the unit circ le. Based on these results, the au thors obtain theC ,  conv ergence o f the rad ialm in im ize r by establish ing the co rresponding estim ate o f the rad ia l so lution to the Eu ler system. F inally, the convergence rate is studied.


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Last Update: 2013-05-05