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Effects of Exogenous GA3 on Germination and Seedling Growth of Salicornia Bigelovii Torr.Under NaCl Stress(PDF)


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Effects of Exogenous GA3 on Germination and Seedling Growth of Salicornia Bigelovii Torr.Under NaCl Stress
Hua ChunZhou QuanchengWang XiaopingXia JingChen Li
Department of Life Sciences,Nanjing Xiaozhuang College,Nanjing 210017,China
Salicornia B igelov ii Torr exog enous GA3 sa lt stress germ ination seed ling grow th
E ffects of exogenous GA3 on seed germ ination and seed ling g row th of Salicornia B igelov ii Torr under d iffe rent concentrations o f sa lt ( N aC l) stress we re studied. The resu lt showed that exogenous GA3 prom oted the seed ge rm ina tion o f Sa lico rn ia B igelov iiTo rr under sa lt stress. Under the treatm ent of exogenous GA3, the activ ity o f ant-i ox idant enzym e, the producing rate o fO- . 2 and the conten t o fMDA w ere low er than that o f s ing le salt stress. It revea led that ex ogenous GA3 could enhance the resist-stress ab ility of Salicornia b igelovii Torr. The content of pro line under exogenous GA3 treatm ent w ere higher than that of sa lt stress treatm ent but the content o f so lub le prote in changed little wh ich ind ica ted tha t the exogenous GA3 allev iated the sa lt stress m ain ly by increasing pro line content. In add ition, roo t activ ityw ere im proved notably by exogenous GA3 treatm ent w hich showed that the exogenous GA3 w as advantaged to the g row th o f Sa lico rn ia B ige lov ii Torr under sa lt stress.


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Last Update: 2013-05-05