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Analysis of Isozymes of Seven Kinds of Aquacultural Fishes in Jiangsu Waters(PDF)


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Analysis of Isozymes of Seven Kinds of Aquacultural Fishes in Jiangsu Waters
Wu Xingbing1Xu Pu2Dai Weiping3Zhang Weiming4Lin Jianhua5Xu Guangping6Ding Yaping6Yang Jiaxin1
1.School of Life Science,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210097,China
2. Departm ent of B iology and Food Engineering, Ch angshu Inst itu te ofTechnology, Changshu 215500, Ch in a
3. Nan tong F isheriesTechn ica lExten sion S tat ion, Nantong 226006, Ch in a
4. Su zhou Fish eries Inst itu te, Suzhou 215107, Ch in a
5. Gehu L ake F isheriesManagement Comm ittee of J iangsu Province, C hangzhou 213161, Ch ina
 6. Jiangsu Inst itu te ofM arine Fish eries, Nan tong 226007, C h ina
My lop haryngodon p iceus C tenopharyngodon idellus H yp op hthalm ichthys mo litrix A ristichthys nob ilis M egalobrama am blycephala Ery throculter ilishaeform is S iniperca chuatsi isozyme
The patterns o f expression in seven mu ltilocus isozym ic system s, lactate dehydrogenase( LDH ), Esterase( EST), ma late dehydrogenase(MDH ), ma lic enzym e(ME), a lcoho l dehydrogenase( ADH ), g lutam ate dehydrogenase ( GDH ) and perox idase( POX) about seven kinds o f important fishes in Jiangsu are investigated. The spots and enzym e be lts are ana lyzed. Genetic d istance and the sim ilar coeffic ient o f six k inds o f Cypr in idae fish are ca lculated based on the num ber of spots and enzym e be lts. The result of UPGMA is thatMy lopharynodon p iceus w ith Ctenophayngodon idellus cluster, and Hypoph thalm ichthys m olitrix w ith Ar istichthy s nobilis cluster, these two g roups form a unit. F ina lly, this unit jo ins in the other un it to form M egalobrama amblycephala and E ry throculter ilishaeform is. The phy logene tic relationship is consistent w ith the result o f taxonomy. The diffe rences o f enzym e spectrum s in the seven fishes, the gene tic resource cond itions o f these importan t ag ricultured fishes, and the d ifference o f enzym e spectrum in Ery throculter ilishaeform is and Sinip erca chuatsi from d ifferent populations are also discussed in this ar tic le.


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Last Update: 2013-05-05