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Glycoside Synthesis Ability of a Cellulase From Trichoderma reesei(PDF)


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Glycoside Synthesis Ability of a Cellulase From Trichoderma reesei
Zhang BinYu Duowei
School of Life Science,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210097,China
Trichoderma reesei Ce llulase enzyme activ ity g lyco side synthesis rev ers ible reaction
By PAGE, an enzym e was pur ified from comm ercial C ellu lase, wh ich was ex tracted by T ri- choderma reesei. The mo lecu la rm ass o f the purified enzym e w as 65 000 estim a ted by SDS- PAGE. The purified enzym e had hydro lytic activies correlatingw ith some substrates conta ining p- N itrophany l- β- D - G luopyranoside ( pNP- G lu), p- N itrophany l- β- D - Ga lactopyranoside ( pNP- Ga l), o- N itroph- any l- β- D- Ga lactopy rano side ( oNP- Gal) and Av ice.l The enzym e had w eak activ ity wh ich can be detec ted us ing CMC- Na as substrate. ItsK m w as 3.04m g /m l and V m ax was 3.77 μmo l/m in, using pNP - G lu as substrate, at 45℃ . DNS m ethod and p - nitropheno lm ethod ( only for pNP- G lu、pNP- Ga l and oNP- Ga l as substrate) w ere used to ana ly ze changes o f quantity of reducing sugar and p- nitrophe no l in 180 m in. The resu lts confirm ed that the reversible reactions cha racte ristic of period oscillation have d isplayed in the close reaction sy stem. The quantity change pe riod tim e of reduc ing suger and p- n itro pheno l were 25. 429± 8. 343 m in and 36. 25± 2.5 m in, respec tive ly. Using g lucose as substrate, per iod undu late osc illa tion w as detected also, and the per iod tim e of wh ich was 17± 4. 830 m in. The acety lated products w ere detec ted by GC /M S, using pNP- G lu as substra te, w ith reaction time 15m in. The resu lt confirm ed that the component ex isted conta in ing d isacchar ide structure in the all reaction productions. It confirm ed that the enzym e had characte ristic of g lyco side synthesis. It was firstly d iscovered tha t the en- zym e po ssessed g lycos ide synthesis ac tiv ity of C ellu lose hydro lase from Trichoderma reesei


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Last Update: 2013-05-05