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The Assessment of Sustainable Development in Nature Reserve Based on Ecological Footprint Model——the Case of Yaoluoping National Nature Reserve(PDF)


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The Assessment of Sustainable Development in Nature Reserve Based on Ecological Footprint Model——the Case of Yaoluoping National Nature Reserve
Dai KeweiQian YiZhang YiminSun Jing
School of Geographic Science,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210097,China
eco log ical foo tpr int eco log ica l capacity nature reserve Yao luop ing
The ecolog ica l capacity is dynam ic and changeable. U sing the eco log ical footprin t m ethod. In this paper, a successfu l attem pt is made on the dynam ic analysis of the eco log ica l capacity in h istor ic state and som e specific scenar ios in the future. Through ana lysis o f the susta inab ility sta tem ent o fYNNR. It is put fo rw ard that the eco log ical capac ity o f the Nature Reserve is mo re or less in a state o f surplus. But the industry struc ture is no t reasonab le and the NatureReserve lacks the capac ity o f susta inab le and rap id de ve lopm ent. A fte rm aking a forecast fo r the eco log ica l capacity in spec ific scenar ios o fYNNR. It is pu t for w ard that the tota l eco log ical capac ity of YNNR in 2010 w ill be 19.3% h ighe r than tha t in 2000 through improv ing industry structure.


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Last Update: 2013-05-05