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Theoretical Study on the Important Roles of Sulfanilamide Group in Designing the Nonlinear Optical Materials(PDF)


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Theoretical Study on the Important Roles of Sulfanilamide Group in Designing the Nonlinear Optical Materials
Wang YingZhao BoLiang XiaoruiXie Weijia
School of Chemistry and Environmental Science,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210097,China
sulfanilam ide group second-orde r non linear optica l property PM3 m ethod
A ser ies of su lfanilam ide group substituted der iva tives w ere optim ized on the basis o f the sem i em pirica l quantum chem istry PM3 m ethod. The first m olecu lar hyperpolar izab ilities w ere ca lcu lated using Gam ess program package. The im po rtant ro les of the sulfanilam ide group in des igning effective non linear optical ma teria ls as w ell as the effects o f the different substituents and substituted po sitions w ere d iscussed. Th is se ries o f compounds are w orth study ing further


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Last Update: 2013-05-05