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Studies on Plant Diversity of Pre-dam of Kai County Within Three Gorges Reservoir and its Rehabilitation Principles(PDF)


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Studies on Plant Diversity of Pre-dam of Kai County Within Three Gorges Reservoir and its Rehabilitation Principles
Zhang GuangfuWang Jianwei
School of Life Science,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210097,China
Three Gorges Reservoir p lant diversity rehabilitation water-level-fluctuating zone Kai County
By field survey, there are 410 species ( including subspecies, varieties, and forms) of vascular p lants in p re-dam of Kai Countywithin Three Gorges Reservoir. Among them, wild p lants are 312 species in 239 genera of 96 families, and five of these species are the rare and endangered p lants p rotected by the law in China. Itsmain vegetation types are classified into 18 formations, belonging to 8 formation group s and 6 vegetation types based on the p lant community-ecology p rincip le. Therefore, its p lant species are relatively poor although the cultivated p lants app roximately account for a quarter of total species in this ar ea; those vegetations, which aremainly composed of grasslands and a few shrublands, havemarkedly sec ondary characteristics because of man-made disturbance. In addition, the ecological rehabilitation about water-level-fluctuating zone in this area should be on the p rincip les such as combination of engineering measures with biological ones, vegetation recovery as p riovity, and niche differentiation based on its char acters of p lant diversity.


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Last Update: 2013-05-05