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Changes of GSH-Px and Immune Cell Activities in Hepatic Fibrosis Rats Intervened by Se-Enriched Lactobacillus(PDF)


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Changes of GSH-Px and Immune Cell Activities in Hepatic Fibrosis Rats Intervened by Se-Enriched Lactobacillus
Yang XiaomanZhang WeiHuang XinhuaLiang JunqingChen Long
School of Life Science,Nanjing Normal University,Jiangsu Engineering Research Center of Biomedical Function Materials,Nanjing 210046,China
Se-enr iched lactobacillus ra t hepatic fibrosis GSH-Px imm uno log ical cell
Thirty-six healthy SD ra ts w ith half o f fem a le and m alew ere chosen and random ly d iv ided into a control group( g roup C ), a CCl4 injected g roup ( g roup CC l4 ) and a CC l4 plus Se-enriched lactobacillus g roup ( group CCl4 -Se) . The num ber o f rats in each group is 12. H epatic fibrosis was induced by ca rbon tetrachlor ide ( CC l4 ). G roup CC l4 and g roup CCl4 Se-were given hypoderm ic injection o f olive o il so lution conta in ing 500 g /L CC l4, fo llowed by in jection o f the sam e so lution ( 0. 3mL /100 g body m ass) ev ery 3 days over e ightw eeks. The rats in g roup C received hypoderm ic in jection of o live o il at the sam e dose and frequency. During the entire expe rim en tal pe riod, the comm on com plete d iet w as ora lly prov ided da ily in g roup C and g roup CC l4, and the ra ts in g roup CC l4-Sew ere g iven the diets w ith 3 m g of Se-enr iched lac tobacillus per kg feed. The hepatic index, GSH-Px activ ity in liver hom og enate, T-lym phocy te rates in blood, chang es o f RBC-CR1 rose tte rates and RBC-IC rose tte rates w ere determ ined in the 4 th and 8th w eek po st CC l4 injection. The result show ed that during the whole experim enta l pe riod, the hepatic index, w hich was h ighest in g roup CC l4, was low er o r sign ificantly low er in group CC l4 se- than in g roup CC l4 but notably higher than in g roup C. Compared w ith the g roup C, the GSH-Px activity in liver homogena te in the g roup CC l4 decreased significantly, but in group CCl 4-Se, it w as higher o r sign ificantly higher than tha t in the group CC l4 and was close to that in group C. In group CC l4, T-lym phocy tes(% ) dropped sig n ificantly. T lym phocytes(% ) o f group CCl4 Se- is low er than tha t o f group C, but show ing an apparentincrease as com pared w ith group CC l4. RBC-CR1 rosette ra tes(% ) and RBC-IC rosette ra tes(% ) o f g roup CC l4 w ere low er or significantly lowe r than those of g roup C. H ow ever, bo th rates(% ) of g roup CC l4Se- we re m arked ly low er than those in group CC l4 and c lo se to those in group C. It is sugg ested tha t Se-enriched lactobacillus could intervene the lip id pe rox idation reaction o f hepatic fibrosis induced by CC l4, and ame liorate and enhance imm uno log ic ce ll function activ ity to keep its norm a l and benefic ial ac tion through anti-dam age pro tection


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Last Update: 2013-05-05