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Generalized Fuzzy p-Pseudonorm and Locally Semi-Convex I-Topological Vector Spaces(PDF)


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Generalized Fuzzy p-Pseudonorm and Locally Semi-Convex I-Topological Vector Spaces
Zhang Hui12Fang Jinxuan1
( 1. S chool ofM athem atics and C ompu ter Science, N an jing Norm alUn iversity, Nan jing 210097, Ch ina)
( 2. Departm en t ofM athem atics, Anhu iN orm alUn ivers ity, W uhu 241000, Ch ina )
sem -i conv ex fuzzy set locally sem -i convex I- topo log ica l vecto r space genera lized fuzzy p - pseudono rm
In th is paper, we g ive a new de finition of locally sem -i convex I- topo log ica l v ec tor spaces and renam e lo ca lly sem -i convex fuzzy topo log ica l linear spaces as locally sem -i convex I- topo log ica l vecto r spaces o f (QL ) - type. The relation be tw een these two defin itions is studied. W e introduce the no tion o f genera lized fuzzy p - pseudono rm, and prove tha t ev ery locally sem -i convex I- vector topo logy can be determ ined by a fam ily o f genera lized fuzzy p- pseudonorm s


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Last Update: 2013-05-05