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Quark-Delocalization,Color-Screening Model and Tetraquark States(PDF)


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Quark-Delocalization,Color-Screening Model and Tetraquark States
Zhao Suyan Ping Jialun
School of Physical Science and Technology, Nanjing Normal University, Nanjing 210097, China
quark-delocalization co lor-screen ingm odel d iquark te traquark sta tes
In the fram ew ork of quark-delocalization, co lo r- screen ing m ode,l the q qq q tetraqua rk sta tes are ca lcu la ted under the ad iaba tic approx im a tion. The resu lts show that a few sta tes are repulsive, and most states are attrac tive, but are not enough to becom e resonance.


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Last Update: 2013-05-05