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Study on Preparation and Application of Organo-Montmorillonite(PDF)


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Study on Preparation and Application of Organo-Montmorillonite
Ma Yinchen1Zhou Ninglin123Fang Su1Gao Xiaojun1Zhang Jun123Li Li123 Shen Jian123
( 1. Jiangsu Eng ineering R esearch C en ter for B iom ed icalFunctionM aterials, Nan jing Norm alU nivers ity, N an jing 210097, C h ina)
( 2. Jiangsu Key Laboratory of B iofun ct iona lM aterials, N an jing Norm alUn ivers ity, Nan j ing 210097, Ch in a)
( 3. J iangsu T echnologicalResearch C enter for In terfacial Chem istry and C hem ical Engin eering, N an jing Un iversity, Nan jing 210093, Ch ina)
montmo rillon ite organ icm odifica tion interca la tion applica tion
Tw o kinds of org ano-m ontm or illonite ( OMMT) were prepared from MMT by ion exchange w ith two different o rganic intercalation. The OMMT w as characterized by FTIR, XRD and TGA. The resu lts show ed tha t two o rganic interca lation had inte rca la ted into the layers o fMMT and the spac ing o f layers o fMMT had increased by mo re than 4nm. The OMMT m odified w ith org an ic silicon in terca lation had larger spac ing o f laye rs. TheTGA ana lysis indicated that two kinds o f OMMT had exce llent property o f therm al stab ility. The onset therm a l decomposition tem pe ra ture w as above 200e , wh ich w as re lated to the structure o f interca lation and the env ironm ent. W e had a pre lim inary study on the app lication o f the OMMT in the silicone em ulsion.


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Last Update: 2013-05-05