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Study on the Molecular Structures and Spectroscopic Properties of Sartan Derivatives(PDF)


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Study on the Molecular Structures and Spectroscopic Properties of Sartan Derivatives
Rong Yuzhi1 Zhao Bo1 Huang Xiaohua1 Wu Yun2
1.School of Chemistry and Environmental Science, Nanjing Normal University, Nanjing 210097, China
sartan derivatives density functiona l theo ry e lectron ic spectrum fluo rescence spec trum
Irbesartan and va lsartan as sartan der iva tives are synthesized separate ly, and they are fully optim ized at the B3LYP /6- 31G* leve .l The electronic abso rption spectra are calcu lated using tim e dependent density-functiona l theory a t the same leve,l and the fluo rescence spec tra in m ethano l-wa ter so lution arem easured and the ir fluorescence quantum y ields are determ ined. By compar ing the abso rption spectra and fluo rescence em ission spectra o f the tw o compounds, it can be concluded that the p lanarity and conjugation betw een the te trazole ring and benzene ring have an effect on the m ax im um absorption peak; the fluorescence response increases w ith the fo rm ation o f intram o lecular hydrog en bonds, and the fluo rescence em iss ion peaks are g rea tly influenced by the planar ity and con jugation betw een two benzene rings. Irbe sartan and va lsartan have high fluorescence quantum y ie lds and can be used as fluorescence probe to study the interaction m echan ism w ith b io log ica lm acrom o lecules such as DNA, pro te in etc.


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Last Update: 2013-05-05