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Torus Quantization in Normal Mode Region for Two Kinetically Coupled Morse Oscillators(PDF)


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Torus Quantization in Normal Mode Region for Two Kinetically Coupled Morse Oscillators
Yang Shuangbo
School of Physical Science and Technology,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210097,China
EBK quantization cond ition no rm al mode separab ility quantizing c ircu its
The results of torus quantization in the norma lm ode reg ions for a system o f two k inetica lly coupledM orse osc illators w as reported. It is found tha t the result o f the quantization is nume rica lly strong ly dependent on the quantizing circu its. For the co rrect circu its w e chose, sem ic lassica l result agrees w e ll w ith quantum resu lt, it is believed that th is re lates to the separability o f the system.


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Last Update: 2013-05-05