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Construction of Tumor-specific Oncolytic Adenovirus Vector and its Primary Study on Selective Expression in Tumor Cells(PDF)


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Construction of Tumor-specific Oncolytic Adenovirus Vector and its Primary Study on Selective Expression in Tumor Cells
Pu YingyanFang LinShen QuanSun LijunHu XiaocuiWang YanCao XiangrongSu Changqing
School of Life Science,Nanjing Normal University,The Jiangsu Key Laboratory of Molecular and Medical Biotechnology,Nanjing 210046,China
gene therapy onco ly tic adenov irus tum or te lom erase prom o ter
To develop a nove l gene therapeu tic onco lytic adenov irus in wh ich the hTERT promo ter w as introduced and used to regulate adenov iral E1A gene. A nove l cancer- spec ific rep lication-com pe tent adenov irus nam ed AdSU w as constructed by em ploy ing the human te lom erase reverse transcr iptase ( hTERT) promo ter to dr ive the expression of adenov-i rus E1A gene and by c loning the EGFP repo rter gene into the adenov irus genom e. The non-rep licative adenov irus nam ed Ad-EGFP w as constructed as the con tro l at the sam e tim e. The se lective replication o f AdSU-EGFP in tumo r cells w as investigated by v irus pro liferative test andW estern b lo t assay. By w este rn b lot assay, E1A prote in w as pos itive in cancer ce lls (MH CC, A549) infected w ith AdSU-EGFP, but negative in norm a l ce lls ( BJ, uter ine fibroblast). Under the fluorescent m icroscope, a few norm a l cells expressed EGFP and em itted fluo rescence, and no phagocy tic p lagues appeared from 3- 10 days after infected w ith AdSU-EGFP. H ow ever, when a few cance r cells w ere infected w ith AdSU - EGFP and em itted fluo rescence afte r 3 days, the fluorescence em ission ce lls spread w ithin a large area after 7 days. Sow e can m ake a conc lusion that a nove l cancer-selective gene therapeutic onco lytic adenov irus vec to r sy stem nam ed AdSU, w hich can se lective replicate and express the rapeutic genes in cancer ce lls, was constructed. It is a prom ising system for targeted cancer gene therapy.


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Last Update: 2013-05-05