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Study on the Self-organization of Area Tourist Market on the Basis of Entropy Theory——Take Yangtze-delta for example(PDF)


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Study on the Self-organization of Area Tourist Market on the Basis of Entropy Theory——Take Yangtze-delta for example
Xu JingJin ChenSha Run
School of Geographical Science,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210046,China
area tour ist ma rket se l-f org an ization Entropy Yangtze-de lta
A ccording to the space geographic theo ry, this paper found the com parability be tw een se l-f o rganization of a rea tour ist m arke t and Entropy phenom ena in phys ics. So the au thor analyzed the se l-f org an izational characters of area tour ist m arket and the Entropy theory effect. Took Y angtze-de lta for examp le, the paper validated the se l-f o rganization o f a rea tour ist m arket w ith Entropy theory, w hich inc luded the m inus-Entropy as outside force effect in in itia l stages o fm arket, then the spontaneous add-Entropy as area tour ist coope ration in the sy stem, and the se l-f organ izationa l En tropy value o f a rea tou rist ma rket by rank- size, where a fter took oppos ite analysisw ith ca lculated data. It o ffer a g ropingm ethod fo r area tour ist m arket study.


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Last Update: 2013-05-05