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Research on the Development Tactics of New Urban Space on the Background of the Trans-River Development Stratagem——A Case Study of Pushing the Modernization of Liuhe Urban District in Nanjing(PDF)


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Research on the Development Tactics of New Urban Space on the Background of the Trans-River Development Stratagem——A Case Study of Pushing the Modernization of Liuhe Urban District in Nanjing
Tang ChangxinGe Yousong
Department of Urban and Regional Planning,Nanjing University,Nanjing 210093,China
trans-R iver dev elopment stratagem new u rban space dev elopment tac tics LiuheM odern Distr ict N an jing
A cce lera ting urban deve lopm en t and expanding urban space, the governm ents o f c ities ly ing on g rea t rivers must take the stratag em of trans- river deve lopm en t, wh ich is not on ly good opportun ity fo r be ing un ited spaces but a lso br ing s it w ith new challeng es. Responding to the trans-Yang zi R iver deve lopm ent stratagem, the governm ent of L iuhe D istrict establishes the o rientation that isModern D istrict. To put fo rwa rd sc ientific gu idance for the deve lopm ent of L-i uheM ode rn D istrict, the re is the adv ice tha t the planning coverage of L iuheM odern D istrict shou ld be dema rcated aga in and som e tac tics on interborough cooperation, spec ia l structure, c ity construction, industry layout, basic establishm ent and entironm en t in this artic le


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Last Update: 2013-05-05