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Effects of Groundwater Depth on the Growth and Chlorophyll Fluorescence Parameters of Phragmites australis(PDF)


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Effects of Groundwater Depth on the Growth and Chlorophyll Fluorescence Parameters of Phragmites australis
Liu YuWang GuoxiangPan Guoquan
School of Geographical Science,Nanjing Normal University,Jiangsu Key Laboratory of Environmental Change and Ecological Construction,Nanjing 210046,China
P hragm ites australis groundwater dep th ch lorophy ll content ch lorophy ll fluorescence
E ffects of groundw ater depth on the g row th o fP hragm ites australis by sim ulating the littoral hydro log ical cond-i tions in the w etland were studied so that theoretica l foundations fo rw etland protec tion and vege tation restoration cou ld be supp lied. ThePhragm ites aus tralis rh izom es we re p lanted in the ba rre ls ( w ho se diam ete r is 35.5 cm and depth is 100 cm ) w ith r iver sands of 80 cm depth. Four trea tm en ts were se t as- 60 cm, - 40 cm, - 20 cm and 0 cm and three rep l-i ca tes we re set for each treatment. The resu lts we re as fo llow s: W hile groundwater depth decreases, p lant he ight and p lant inte rnode num ber decrease ve ry sign ificantly ( p < 0.01) and chlorophy ll content a lso decreases, ind icating that p lant decreases light capture by thew ay of m orpho log ical adjustm ent and ch lo rophyll content reduction. M ax ima l pho tochem ica l quantum y ie ld (Fv /Fm ), re lative photosynthe tic e lectron transport rate ( rETR ) and photochem ical quenching coe fficient ( qP ) positive ly correlate w ith groundwa ter depth and non-photochem ica l quench ing coe fficient ( qN ) negative ly co rre la tew ith g roundw ater depth. The - 60 cm trea tm ent beg ins to die on the 31st day, show ing that continuing low er groundwa ter depth makes PSⅡ destroyed, so that - 60 cm groundw ate r depth has neg ative effects on Phragm ites australis. As tim e goes by, plan t g row s and Fv /Fm, rETR and qP o f other trea tm en ts inc rease and qN decreases, but the g roup differences reduce wh ich indicate that the effects o f groundwa ter depth decrease.


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Last Update: 2013-05-05