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Effect of Hesperetin on Release of Nitric Oxide From Endothelial Cells(PDF)


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Effect of Hesperetin on Release of Nitric Oxide From Endothelial Cells
Xu DongmeiLiu LiCheng Yiyu
Pharmaceutical Informatics Institute,Zhejiang University,Hangzhou 310058,China
hesperetin hum an um bilical ve in endo the lial ce lls ( HUVEC s) nitr ic ox ide estrogen receptor
Ob jective to investigate the e ffect o f hesperetin on re lease of n itr ic ox ide from cu ltured hum an um bilical ve in endothelial cells ( HUVECs) and poss ible m echan ism. M e thods F luo rom etr ic assay w ith 2, 3-diam inonaphthalene ( DAN) w as em ployed to determ inate the concentration of n itr ite in m ed ium, indica ting NO production from HUVECs. Them odifiedMCF- 7 cell pro liferation assay and the reporter-gene assayw ere used to eva luate the estrogenic activ ity o f hespere tin. Results at re la tive low leve l o f endogenous estrog en, hespe retin ( 12.5~ 100 μmo l/L) prom o ted the release o f NO from HUVECs in a dose-dependent m anner, wh ich cou ld be inhib ited by IC I182, 780 and actinom yc in D. W hen HUVECs w ere treated w ith comb ination o f hesperetin and E2, the leve l of NO re leased from HUVEC sw as low er than that o f sing le treatment. Under h igh level of endogenous estrog en, hesperetin inhib ited the release of NO from HUVECs. H espe re tin sign ifican tly promo ted the pro liferation ofMCF- 7 ce lls, wh ich cou ld be comp le tely b locked by ICI182, 780. M eanwh ile, hespere tin appeared to com prom ise e ffic iency o f E2. A lso hesperetin activa ted estrogen receptor and induced the expression of Lucife rase ( reporter gene). Conclusion hesperetin can be classified as a partia l agonist of estrog en-receptor and possess regulation activ ity on NO production from HUVEC s. The possible m echan ism invo lves in estrogen ic ac tiv ity and regu lation o f gene expression


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Last Update: 2013-05-05