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Effect of Lutein on the Differentiation of Osteoclast Induced From Bone Marrow in Mice(PDF)


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Effect of Lutein on the Differentiation of Osteoclast Induced From Bone Marrow in Mice
Pei LingpengCui Jian
Central University for Nationalities,Research Center of Minarity Traditional Medicine,Beijing 100081,China
lutein osteoc last differentiation
Effect o f lute in on the d iffe rentia tion of osteo clast induced from bonem arrow were studied in v itro. M ononuclea r ce lls o f m ice bonem arrow w ere incubated w ith DMEM conta in ing macrophage co lony stimu la ting fac to r (M - CSF) and recepto r activato r of NF - kB lig and ( RANKL). The cu lture was treated w ith lute in of d ifferent concentrations ( 10- 8 m ol/L、10- 7 m o l/L、10- 6 mo l/L) , respective ly. The cu lture ce lls w ere fixed and w ere stained fo r tarta te-resistant ac id ic phospha tase ( TRAP) a fter 7d. The form ation of osteoc lasts w as quantified by counting the num be r of TRAP+ mu ltinuc lea r ce lls. The percentage of bone resorbed surface, TRAP activ ity and the expression o f receptor ac tivator o f NF- kB ( RANK) mRNA w ere ana ly sed. The appearance o f reduced m ice osteo clasts w as typica.l Com pared w ith the contro l g roup, the num be r of TRAP+ mu ltinuc lea r cells, TRAP activity and the percentage of bone surface in lute in m idd le-do se group and lu tein h igh-dose g roup sign ificantly decreased( P < 0.05) . But the expression o f RANK mRNA sign ifican tly increased( P < 0.05 ) by treated in different doses o f lute in. Lute in can inh ib it o steoc lasts d ifferentiation in v itro.


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Last Update: 2013-05-05