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Appraisement of Road Transportation Network Accessibility in Jiangsu Province(PDF)


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Appraisement of Road Transportation Network Accessibility in Jiangsu Province
Liu JunLu Yuqi
School of Geographical Science,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjng 210046,China
ARCVIEW accessib ility road transportation ne tw ork Jiangsu Prov ince
Based on the road transportation ne tw ork of Jiangsu Spa tia lData In frastructure ( 2005), choosing thew eighted average tim e distance index, th is paper analyses the spatia l structure of ma jo r c ities’ accessib ility in Jiangsu Prov ince us ing Ne tw ork Ana lyst ex tension in ARCVIEW. The m a in conc lusions are draw n as follow s. The accessibility spatial structure in Jiangsu Prov ince presen ts a se ries of irregu lar concentr ic c irc les spatia l pattern and trends to h igh-speed trunk road, the inner accessib ility lev el is bette r and it goes worse from the cen ter to the per iphery. The nodes’ access-i b ility level is not only confined by the transportation netw ork, but a lso influenced by its location. It is correlativew ith its centr ic ity, and as a result, the accessib ility spatia l structure presents a ser ies o f irregular concen tric c irc les spatial pa-t tern and the accessib ility leve l goes w orse from the cente r to the per iphery.


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Last Update: 2013-05-05