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Two New Indicators to Compare Different Evaluation Methods’ Effect——Based on Times Higher-QS World University Rankings(PDF)


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Two New Indicators to Compare Different Evaluation Methods’ Effect——Based on Times Higher-QS World University Rankings
Yu LipingPan YuntaoWu Yishan
Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China,Beijing 100038,China
S& T and educa tion eva luation side sameness different ra tio
Adopting the da ta o f the 2007 T imes H igher- QS wor ld university rankings, th is paper ana ly zes wo rld un iver s ity rank ings according to pr inc iple com ponents ana lys is, factor ana lys is, techn ique for order pre fe rence by sim ilar ity to idea l so lution, rank sum ra tio, g rey re lational ana lysis, Entropy ana lysis, then ana ly ses the evalua tion resu lts sam eness and difference based on s ide sam eness ind icato r and d iffe rent ratio. The resu lts show the top un ive rs ities’ side sam eness is h igher than that of bo ttom un iversities, the side d ifferen t ra tios is h igher than that o fm idd le universities. The different ra tio is independent o f standard e rror. The evalua tion resu lts is a good m e thod to classify. Comb in ing peer rev iew w ith im persona l eva luation is su itab le form icrocosm ic rank ing.


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Last Update: 2013-05-05