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Numerical Method for Corrosion Detection Problem in Non-Sheet Case(PDF)


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Numerical Method for Corrosion Detection Problem in Non-Sheet Case
Chen Yu Huang Jianguo
Department of Mathematics,Shanghai Jiaotong University,Shanghai 200240,China
finite e lem en t Quas-iNew tonM ethod inve rse prob lem s regu la rization
The problem o f recove ring the corrosion coe ffic ient in an inaccessib le inter ior part from the e lec tric inform ation in an accessible part of a physica l dom ain is studied, wh ich is a typical inv erse prob lem in m a them atical phy sics. U sua-l ly, the prescribed data have no ise erro r. A var ia tiona l form ulation is propo sed to der ive the corro sion coe fficient, based on the Dir ichlet-Neum ann data on the accessib le part. The quas-iN ew ton iterativ em ethod in op tim ization is used to so lve the nume rical so lution o f th is variational prob lem. Som e theoretica l ana lys is is prov ided, and the num erical experim ent show s that the m ethod is effec tive.


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Last Update: 2013-05-05