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Existence of Explosive Solutions for a Class of Quasilinear Ordinary Differential Equations(PDF)


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Existence of Explosive Solutions for a Class of Quasilinear Ordinary Differential Equations
Zhao Jianqing12
1.Department of Mathematics,Lianyungang Teacher’s College,Lianyungang 222000,China
2. School ofMathem atics and Com puter S cien ce, Nan jing Norm alUn iversity, Nan jing 210097, Ch ina
quasilinear ord inary d ifferentia l equa tion nonlinear boundary cond itions Nagum o condition exp lo sive solu tions
By the quadrature m ethod, an exp los ive so lu tion for a c lass o f quasilinear ord inary d iffe rentia l equations w ith boundary conditions a re obta ined.


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Last Update: 2013-05-05