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Expression and Monoclonal Antibody Preparation of 4Ig Fragment of Long Myosin Light Chain Kinase(PDF)


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Expression and Monoclonal Antibody Preparation of 4Ig Fragment of Long Myosin Light Chain Kinase
Lü Ning12Zhu Chunhua1Zhang Wencheng2Zhu Minsheng2Chen Huaqun1
1.The Key Laboratory of Molecular and Medical Biotechnology of Jiangsu Province,School of Life Sciences,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210046,China
2. M odelAn im alResearch C enter, Nan jing Un ivers ity, Nan jing 210061, Ch in a
L- MLCK MLCK 4 Ig prote in expression monoclona l an tibody
The functions of longm yosin light cha in k inase (MLCK) and the m ultip le dom a ins w ith in the m olecule were poorly understood. To our know ledge, there is no specific antibody aga inst L- MLCK so far, wh ich is essen tia l for the study o fL- MLCK. In this report, the 4 Ig fragm ent o f ch icken L- MLCK (MLCK4Ig ) w as expressed by using ofE. co li BL21 system, the pur ified prote in was used as antigen to induce antibody. Spec ific antibody was detected in the sera o f m ouse in jected w ith chickenMLCK4Ig. W e further estab lished two hybr idom a ce ll lines produc ingm onoc lonal an tibody, wh ich specifically reac ted w ith ch ickenMLCK4Ig o r ch icken L- MLCK. The character istic and usefulness o f the ant-i body we re a lso discussed. The resu lts show ed that ourwo rk partially so lved the prob lem o f L- MLCK antibody de fic iency, w hich prov ides an im portant too l fo r the functional investigation of L-M LCK andM LCK4Ig fragm ent


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Last Update: 2013-05-05