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Segmentation of High-resolution Remote Sensing Image Based on Morphological Gradient Reconstruction(PDF)


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Segmentation of High-resolution Remote Sensing Image Based on Morphological Gradient Reconstruction
Jiang ShengWang MinZhang Xinyue
Key Laboratory of Virtual Geographic Environment,Nanjing Normal University,Ministry of Education,Nanjing 210046,China
mo rpho log ical grad ient opening and c losing operation of reconstruction w atershed transform h igh-reso lution rem ote sensing im ag e
A m ethod of segmentation of high- reso lution remo te sensing im ag e based on mo rpho log ical grad ient reconstruction is proposed. In this algorithm the mu lt-i shape structu re e lem en ts a re constructed according to the characteristics o f remo te sensing im age. Then m orpho log ica l gradient im age is obta ined by utilizingm ult-i shape structure e lem en ts. Opening and c lo sing opera tions of reconstruction are emp loyed to g rad ient image. According to the characteristic of hum an v-i s ion, reg ions w ith h igh con trast are recove red, for sav ing the high local contrast in fo rm ation o f the g radien t im age. A t last, w e get the fina l resu lts by imm ersion sim ulation wa tershed transform. Exper im ents have been im plem en ted to IKONOS im ages and the resu lts show good performance o f th is segmentation m ethod in qua lity.


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Last Update: 2013-05-05