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Integrate GIS and Space Syntax and Quantitative Research on Space Formal Structure——A Case Study in the Xianlin Campus of Nanjing Normal University(PDF)


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Integrate GIS and Space Syntax and Quantitative Research on Space Formal Structure——A Case Study in the Xianlin Campus of Nanjing Normal University
Li Xudong1Zhao Xiaoqin2Sun Yizhong2
1.Urban Construction Measurement Team of Lishui Municipality,Lishui 323000,China
2. MOE Key Laboratory of Geograph ica lEnv ironm en t, N an jing Norm alUn iversity, Nan jing 210046, Ch ina
space syntax G IS integration application space form al structure
Space syntax descr ipt quantita tive ly spatia l structure of c ities from the cogn ition ang le. GIS possesses ex cellent data analysis and e fficien t geographicm ode ling capabilities. A comb ination o f Space syntax and GIS w ill help to enhance the spatial ana lyzed ab ility of GIS and deepen quantitativ e research of space syntactic on urban space structure. The inte g ration o f space syn tax and G IS is d iscussed from the function and da ta po int o f v iew. B esides, take X ian lin cam pus o f Nanjing No rm al University fo r exam ple, the cha racte ristics o f the layout o f the campus space and the org an ization struc ture are ana ly zed.


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Last Update: 2013-05-05