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Invariant Groups and Invariant Solutions of Equation uxx+uyy+λup=0 on Jet Bundle R3(PDF)


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Invariant Groups and Invariant Solutions of Equation uxx+uyy+λup=0 on Jet Bundle R3
He Mei
Department of Mathematics,Huaiyin Teachers College,Huaian 223300,China
jet space symm etry g roup g roup- invar iant so lution infin itesim al generator
By us ing the invar iance o f a PDE, the invarian t g roups adm itted by equation uxx + uyy + up = 0 on jet bundle a re stud ied. In finitesim a l g enerators o f the co rresponding geom e tric invariant g roups are obta ined. And the invar iant form s and a fam ily of g roup- invar iant so lutions are also g iv en.


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Last Update: 2013-04-23