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Theoretical Study on the Molecular First Hyperpolarizability of B and N-Doped Fullerene C34BN(PDF)


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Theoretical Study on the Molecular First Hyperpolarizability of B and N-Doped Fullerene C34BN
Qian XuZhu XiaoleiShao Zhiya
College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering,Nanjing University of Technology,Nanjing 210009,China
C34 BN fu llerene CPHF first hyperpo la rizability
The geom etries of 17 isom ers o f C34 BN are optim ized at theHF /3- 21G leve.l V ibrationa l frequency analysis is ca rr ied ou t at the sam e leve l to exam ine whether the optim ized struc tures are stab le or no t. The first hyperpolar izab il ities of these isom ers are compu ted at theCPHF /3- 21G leve l o f the theory. The resu lts dem onstrate that the substituted positions o f B and N atom s in C34 BN, con juga ted contents, polar izab ilities, and d ipo lem om ents of system s sign ifican tly a ffect the first hyperpo la rizab ilities of the isom ers o f C34 BN.


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Last Update: 2013-04-23