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Assessment of the Pollutants in Multi-Ponds System of Rural Areas——A Case Study of Chenji Town(PDF)


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Assessment of the Pollutants in Multi-Ponds System of Rural Areas——A Case Study of Chenji Town
Li YufengLiu HongyuZhu LijuanHao Jingfeng
1.Jiangsu Key Laboratory of Environmental Change and Ecological Construction,School of Geographical Science,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210046,China
mu ltiple ponds system coun try landscape nutr ient source assessm ent o f wa ter
The mu ltiple ponds system isw ide ly distributed in South Ch ina. The appropr iate use of the system is ve ry importan t to the non-po int source po llution contro lled in rura l areas. The re fo re, the quantitative ana lysis for the sources and d istr ibu tion charac teristics o f the ponds po llu tant is the foundation to im prove and m anag e the m ultip le ponds sy stem. Th is artic le is w r itten from the point o f v iew tha t the deve lopm ent o f economy shou ld be in harm ony w ith the env ironm ent. So Chenji Town, whose econom y is developed qu ick ly, is chosen as the study a rea. The me thods o f spa tia l analys is of G IS and samp le collecting we re used to ana lyze the sources and distr ibution character istics o f the ponds po llutant in study area. The results show that thema in sources o f the po llu tant are tow nsh ip-enterpr ises, paddy fields, residentia l areas, and other landuse. The ponds affected by paddy fields takes up 60%. It also found tha t the w ater qua lity assessm ent index of the ponds w hich a ffected by industry and agr iculture go beyond the precau tion of irr igation. As a result, the m anagem en t and perfection o f them ultip le ponds system should be po inted.


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Last Update: 2013-04-23