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Ishikawa Iterative Algorithm for a System of g-η-Accretive Mapping Inclusions in Banach Spaces(PDF)


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Ishikawa Iterative Algorithm for a System of g-η-Accretive Mapping Inclusions in Banach Spaces
Yang Yongqin12Li Jianping1Zhang Hong2
1.Logistical Engineering University,Chongqing 400016,China
Ish ikaw a iterative a lgo rithm system of g-- acc retivem app ing inclusions ralaxed cocoerc ive m apping resolvent operator techn ique ex istence conv ergence
In th is pape r, w e introduce and study a new system o fg-- accre tivem apping inclusions in Banach spaces. Us ing the reso lvent opera to r technique for g-η- acc retivem appings, we prove the ex istence and uniqueness o f the solutions for th is system o fg-- accretivem apping inclusions. W e a lso construct a new Ish ikaw a ite ra tive algorithm fo r so lv ing th is system of g-η-accretivem app ing inc lusions and discuss the conve rgence of itera tive sequence genera ted by the a lgor ithm.


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Last Update: 2013-04-23