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Natural Boundary Element Method for Boundary Value Problem in an Exterior Elliptic Infinite Sector Domain(PDF)


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Natural Boundary Element Method for Boundary Value Problem in an Exterior Elliptic Infinite Sector Domain
Chen YajunDu Qikui
School of Mathematical Science,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210097,China
exte rior elliptic infin ite sec to r dom a in harm onic problem natural bounda ry e lem ent m ethod
In th is paper, we investigate the natura l boundary e lem ent m ethod fo r the boundary v alue problem of harmon ic equation in an ex ter ior e lliptic infinite sector dom ain. By the princ ip le o f the na tura l boundary reduction, w e obtain the Po isson integral fo rmu la and the natura l integral equation of this prob lem, and g ive the num er ica lm ethod of the natural integ ra l equation. M oreove r, the converg ence of the approx im ate solutions and the ir error estima tes are obta ined. F ina-l ly, som e num er ica l examp les are presented to show that ourm ethods are effective.


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Last Update: 2013-04-23