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Scattering of SH Wave on Crack in Functionally Graded/Piezoelectric Layers(PDF)


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Scattering of SH Wave on Crack in Functionally Graded/Piezoelectric Layers
Lu Wanshun1Li Xing2
1.Department of Mathematics and Computer Science,Ningxia Normal College,Guyuan 756000,China
functiona lly graded /piezoe lec tric ma teria ls crack Four ier transfo rm
Scattering o f SH w ave on crack in functiona lly graded/ piezoe lectric layers is d iscussed. Fourier transform s are used to reduce the prob lem to the solution o f a pa ir of dua l integra l equations, w hich are then reduced to a Fredho lm integ ra l equation of second k ind by the Copson m ethod. Fina lly, num er ica l resu lts show ed the effec t of ma teria l g radient, the frequency o f wave and so on upon the no rma lized stress intensity factor.


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Last Update: 2013-04-23