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Synthesis of Quinol Bis(Diphenyl Phosphate) Flame Retardant(PDF)


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Synthesis of Quinol Bis(Diphenyl Phosphate) Flame Retardant
Yang ZhizhongYan HuiYang Jinfei
School of Chemistry and Environmental Science,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210097,China
qu inol quino l b is( d ipheny l pho sphate) flam e retardant syn thesis
Qu ino l bis( dipheny l pho sphate) was synthesized from phosphous oxych lo ride, p-dihydroxybenzene and phe- no.l T riphenyl phosphate ( TPP) was prepared by the reaction o f pheno l w ith phosphous oxych lo ride. TPP w as then a l- low ed to react w ith qu ino l to g ive the product. The effects o f process param ete rs, such as m o la r ratio, reaction tempere- ture and cata ly st on the y ield we re studied respectively, and the su itab le synthesis conditions w ere de fined as follow s: the m olar ratio o f tr ipheny l phosphate and quino l is 2.1:1. In the first step, the reac tion tem peraturew as 130- 140℃ , and the reaction time w as 0.5 hour. In the second step, the reaction temperature was 160 - 170℃ , and the reac tion tim e w as 0.5 hour. A lC l3 w as the best ca talyst, and its dosagew as 1% of the am ount of quino .l The y ie ld reached 92%. The structure of the product w as de fined by FT- IR. The quality indexes of the product can reach the indexes o f the oversea produc t.


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Last Update: 2013-04-23