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Effects of Chitosan Treatment on Thylakoid Membrane Characters Characteristics in Rice Seedling Under Low Temperature(PDF)


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Effects of Chitosan Treatment on Thylakoid Membrane Characters Characteristics in Rice Seedling Under Low Temperature
Sun Lei123Chen Guoxiang1Cheng Jialing23Lü Chuangen4
1.School of Life Sciences,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210046,China
chitosan rice seedling low temperature thylkako id m em brane fatty ac id electron transport activ ities
The seedling s o f rice Liang you pe i jiu ( Ory za sativa L. ) we re treated w ith 0.1%, 0.3%, 0. 5% and 0.7% o f ch itosan for study ing the e ffects of ch ito san to change ch illing-to lerane activ ity of rice. The ch illing- tolerance of seedling s of rice cou ld be increased w ith chitosan trea tm en t. The concentra tion o f chitosan at 0. 5% show ed them ost e ffective. Under low tem pera ture stress ch lo rophy ll content, absorption spectra, fluorescence spectra, com position of membrane lip id acids and e lectron transport activ ites o f photosy stem s ( PSⅠ and PSⅡ ) and the index o f unsa turated fatty ac id ( IUFA) obta ined h igher activ ities. The resu lts ind icated that ch ito san treatm ent improved co ld resistance o f rice seedling s, w hich pro tected the m embrance sy stem, a llev iated the dam age to pho tosynthe tic o rganization under low temperature.


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Last Update: 2013-04-23