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Development and Potential Application of a Nested PCR for the Detection of White Spot Syndrome Virus in Procambarus Clarkia(PDF)


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Development and Potential Application of a Nested PCR for the Detection of White Spot Syndrome Virus in Procambarus Clarkia
Li WenjieZhou GuoqinZhu FeiliWang WeidongZhou Guoping
Nanjing Center for Control and Prevention of Aquatic Animal Infections Disease,Nanjing Aquatic Sciences Institute,Nanjing 210036,China
wh ite spot syndrom e v irus nested PCR Procam barus c la rkii
Four specific pr im er, W1, W2, S1 and S2, we re des igned according to theVP28 gene sequences o f 3 w hite spo t syndrom e v irus (WSSV ) strains depo sited in the GenBank. PCR de tecting the VP28 gene ofW SSV from Procam ba rus clark ii was estab lished after se lection o f the optim al reaction cond itions. Sensitiv ity of the first and second amp lifications by the nested PCR w as 36 ng and 36 pg, respectively. Am ong 9 c lin ical Procam barus c la rkii sam ples to be tested by nested PCR, therew as no positive case detec ted by the first PCR amp lifications w ith pr im ersW1 andW2, and oneW SSV positive case detec ted by the second PCR amp lificationsw ith prim ers S1 and S2. The results showed that the nested PCR established by th is study w as much mo re su itab le than the one step PCR for the detection ofWSSV in Procambarus clark ii.


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Last Update: 2013-04-23