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Analysis of Volatile Organic Compounds From Bangia by HS-SPME-GC/MS(PDF)


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Analysis of Volatile Organic Compounds From Bangia by HS-SPME-GC/MS
Yi Jifeng1Zhu Jianyi2Han Xiaolei2Xu Pu2Yu Duowei1
1.School of Life Sciences,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210046,China
B ang ia vo la tile o rganic com pounds HS-SPM E-GC /MS
H ead space so lid phase m icroex traction coupled w ith g as chrom atography-m ass spectrom etry (H S-SPME-GCM S) w as used to analyse the vo la tile organ ic com pounds ( VOCs) from Bang ia. Thirty-six vo latile compounds we re identified. These constituents represented 97170% o f the tota l peak areas. 8-H eptadecene ( 30176% ) and heptadecane ( 201 20% ) w ere them a jor com ponents wh ich probablyw ere the character isticVOCs, othe r r icher com pounds were alcohol( 11112% ) , a ldehyde ( 91 90% ) and ester( 61 91% ).


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Last Update: 2013-04-23