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The Solvability of Singular Boundary Value Problems for a Class of Quasilinear Ordinary Differential Equations(PDF)


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The Solvability of Singular Boundary Value Problems for a Class of Quasilinear Ordinary Differential Equations
Cao Yusheng 1Yang Zuodong 23
1. Department of Automobile and Architecture Engineering,Shangqiu Vocational and Technical College,Shangqiu 476000,China
s ingu lar bounda ry va lue problem so lvab ility the first integ ra lm e thod
W e study the so lvab ility o f so lu tions of a class o f two po ints s ingu lar bounda ry va lue prob lem, where the nonlinea rity is no t need to bem ono tonous; By the first integra lm ethod, w e ob tain the necessary and suffic ient cond ition o f un iqueness o f so lutions to the problem.


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Last Update: 2013-04-23