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Exponential Family Nonlinear Regression Models With Linear Restriction(PDF)


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Exponential Family Nonlinear Regression Models With Linear Restriction
Zhao Huixiu1Zhou Xiuqing2
1.College of Science,Nanjing University of Science and Technology,Nanjing 210094,China 2. S chool ofM athem atical S ciences, Nan jing N orm alUn ivers ity, Nan jing 210046, China
non linear exponentia l fam ily reg ress ion m ode ls curvature sto chastic expans ions arrays
Exponentia l fam ily nonlinear reg ression m ode ls w ith linear restr iction are d iscussed in this paper. A set of stochastic expansions are g iven for the restr ic ted m ax im um likelihood estim ato r. The stochastic expansions g iven here depend on ly on the independent norm a l random va riab les and curv atu re arrays, there fo re it is conven ient to use them.


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Last Update: 2013-04-08