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Pricing of Compound Option Model With Stock Price Driven by FBM(PDF)


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Pricing of Compound Option Model With Stock Price Driven by FBM
Zhao Wei
School of Business,Huaihai Institute of Technology,Lianyungang 222001,China
fractiona l brown ian m otion quas-im arting ale pricing fractiona l B lack-Scho les model compound option
The se l-f sim ilar ity and long- rang e dependence properties m ake the Frac tiona l B rown ian m otion a suitable too l in d ifferen t applications likem a them atical finance. Th is paper used the hypotheses that asse rt price follow ed geome tr ic FBM to construct the It? fractional B lack-Scholes m arket. U sing of quas-i m artinga lem ethod based on the fractiona l r isk neutra lm easure, this paper so lved fractiona l Black-Scho les m ode.l M oreove r pr ic ing of com pound option mode l w ith stock pr ice dr iven by FBM w as discussed. The result show ed frac tiona l option pr ice, compared to c lassical option price, depends on m atur ity tim e and H urst parameter.


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Last Update: 2013-04-08