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Another Maximum Likelihood Estimator in an ARFIMA Model Using Wavelets(PDF)


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Another Maximum Likelihood Estimator in an ARFIMA Model Using Wavelets
Shao Xiang1Du Xiuli2
1.College of Tongda,Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications,Nanjing 210003,China 2. School of Mathem atical Sciences, Nan jing Normal Univers ity, Nan jing 210046, China
m odel disc rete w avelet transform ( DWT) consistency asym ptotic normality
Th is paper presents ano the rmax im um like lihood estim ator(MLE) o f the fractional differenc ing param eter d in an ARFIMA( p, d, q ) m ode l usingw ave lets transform. TheMLE is prov ed to be consist and asympto tic norm a .l The simu lation resu lts show th isM LE has low b ias and has low er root m ean square error( RMSE ) than the estima tor o fTse. Th is m ethod m ay be use fu l in estim ating long- memory time series.


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Last Update: 2013-04-08