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A Differential Chaos Shift Keying and Chaotic Phase Modulation Combined Communication System(PDF)


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A Differential Chaos Shift Keying and Chaotic Phase Modulation Combined Communication System
Zhu Songsheng12Yin Kuixi1Liu Xuejun1
1.School of Physics and Technology,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210097,China 2. Department of Biom ed icin e Eng ineering, Nan jing Med icalUn iversity, Nan jing 210029, China
chao tic communication DCSK chao tic phase BER
On the basis o f differentia l chaos sh ift key ing and chaotic phase m odulation, a comb ined comm un ication system is proposed. In addition to the broadband charac teristics of or ig ina l chao tic m odulation m ethods, the m a in im provement is that the in fo rm ation b its of unit symbo l included are increased to 1+ log2M. Then the system is simu la ted in Gauss w hite no ise channe,l and the perform ance o f the b it error rate ve rsus the signa-l no ise-rate is ob tained, w hich depends on the number o f chao tic samp les and chao tic phase num ber. The results show that the bit erro r rate is even decreased com pared w ith DCSK.


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Last Update: 2013-04-08