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Performance Analysis of Enhanced Differential Chaos Shift Keying Frequency Modulation(PDF)


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Performance Analysis of Enhanced Differential Chaos Shift Keying Frequency Modulation
Zhao HuaYin KuixiShao Jianhua
School of Physics and Technology,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210097,China
chaos comm un ica tion FM-DCSK transm itted reference sy stem UWB
Due to the low com plex ity in hardwa re im plem entation, low pow er consum ption and robust in m ultipath env-i ronm ent of chao tic communication, chaotic communication is one o f the possib le candidate signa ls, app licab le to bo th low ra te U ltra W ide Band ( UWB ) sy stem s and w ire less senso r netwo rks. Am ong the m odu la tion schem es using the chao tic signa,l FrequencyM odulation Differential Chaos Sh ift Key ing ( FM-DCSK ) is a robust non- coherent techn ique w ith respect to the im plem enta tion issue and much research e ffort has been devo ted to the study of FM-DCSK. An enhanced FM-DCSK is proposed in the paper. The e ffects o f three sy stem charac ters such as the sam ples in one b it, the b its in one sym bo l and duty cyc le are ana lyzed, and the theory is proved by sim ulation.


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Last Update: 2013-04-08