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Solving Dynamic Problems of Double Coordinate Coupling Harmonic Oscillators With Quantum Mechanics(PDF)


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Solving Dynamic Problems of Double Coordinate Coupling Harmonic Oscillators With Quantum Mechanics
Zhang YunhaiXu Xinglei
Department of Physics,Key Laboratory of Quantum Communication and Calculation,Heze University,Heze 274015,China
canonical transfo rm ation mom entum e igenvecto r unita ry ope rato r doub le coord inate coupling harmon ic osc illator
In order to solve ex actly the dynam ic problem s o f the double coord inate coupling harm onic osc illa to rs, the quantum unitary operato r correspond ing w ith classica l canon ica l transform ation is de rived using the mom entum e igenvector in Fock representation by constructing asymm etric integration. The unitar ity and transform ation properties o f the opera tor are analyzed by v irtue of com pleteness o f m om entum representation. The dynam ic problem s of the double coordinate coup ling harm on ic o sc illato rs are so lved exac tly by using the operator.


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Last Update: 2013-04-08