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Preparation of Nitrogen-doped TiO2/Activated Carbon and Photocatalytic Activity Under Visible Light(PDF)


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Preparation of Nitrogen-doped TiO2/Activated Carbon and Photocatalytic Activity Under Visible Light
Hu HuaguoWang YupingGu LingyanPeng Panying
School of Chemistry and Environmental Science,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210097,China
N-doped activa ted carbon suppo rted cata lysts m ethy lene blue
N-doped TiO2 photocata lysts w ere fabr icated by m ix ing tetrabuty l titana tew ith urea in ethanol and wa ter by so-l ge lm ethod, and imm ob ilized to granular ac tivated carbon by coating. The prepared N-TiO2 /AC w as character ized by XRD, TG-DTA, FT- IR, BET. The e ffect o f various exper imenta l param eters on the pho to ca talytic activ ity of N-TiO2 /AC photo ca talysts w ere investigated, wh ich invo lved lo ad ing tim es, N-TiO2 /AC amoun t, pH value o f m ethy lene b lue, and initial concentration ofM e thy lene blue. The results showed that the optim a l condition include load ing three tim es, NT iO2 /AC amount 0.4 g, pH va lue of m ethylene b lue 1, in itia l concentration o fM ethy lene blue 100 mg /L. The sam ple has anatase crystal struc ture and the m ed ia l diam eter is about 9.3 nm, BET is about 746.86 m2 /g. The pho tocata lytic ab ility show ed that over 91.43% me thy lence blue could be deg raded afte r 5 h reaction unde r v isible light, and the degradation rate is 65.31 tim es com pared to pure TiO2, 2.58 tim es com pared to N-TiO2 in the sam e condition.


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Last Update: 2013-04-08