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Study on Synthesis of Tri-n-butyl Citrate(PDF)


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Study on Synthesis of Tri-n-butyl Citrate
Luo WeiZhu YinbangWang DanJiang YuzhiYang Jinfei
School of Chemistry and Environmental Science,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210097,China
trinbuty l citrate ( TBC) ester ification synthesis
rinbu ty l c itrate ( TBC) w as synthesized w ith c itr ic ac id and nbu ty l a lcoho l as raw m aterials and p-to luene sulfuric ac id as ester ification cata lyst. The e ffects o f the ratio of reactants, quantity o f cata lyst, reaction time, reaction tem pe ra ture and entra in ing ag ent o f wa ter on the product y ield w ere investigated and the reuse o f cata lyst was stud ied. The produc tw as confirm ed by GC and IR. Itw as show n that the proper reaction cond itions w ere: themo lar ra tio of c itr ic ac id to n??buty l a lcoho l was 1: 4, the moun t o f cata lyst w as about 3% of the quality of c itr ic ac id, and reac tion time w as 4h. They ield o f the este r could reach 96.3%.


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Last Update: 2013-04-08