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Electronic Structure Lattice Dynamics and Thermodynamic Properties of BaVS3 Compound(PDF)


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Electronic Structure Lattice Dynamics and Thermodynamic Properties of BaVS3 Compound
Miao RendeLi YanbiaoBai ZhongWang Liang
Institute of Science,PLA University of Science and Technology,Nanjing 211101,China
e lectron ic structu re lattice dynam ics and thermodynam ic density- functiona l perturbation theory BaVS3
The e lectron ic structure of hex agonal pe rovsk ite B aVS3 com pound is stud ied by first-princ ip les calcu lations based on the pseudopo tentia l and plane w ave basis. Then the lattice dynam ics and the rmodynam ica l properties ca lcu la tions have been done w ith the linea r- response approach, and ca lculations of the intera tom ic fo rce constants and spec ific heat are reported.


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Last Update: 2013-04-08